Poke me: Poke Me: It may be a mantra, but India’s demographic dividend can become a burden if unattended

This week’s “Poke Me” invites your comments on “Young and the Restless”. The feature will be reproduced on the edit page of the Saturday edition of the newspaper with a pick of readers’ best comments. So be poked and fire in your comments to us right away. Comments reproduced in the paper will be the ones that support or oppose the views expressed here intelligently. Feel free to add reference links etc, in support of your comments.

By Rohan Chinchwadkar

Modinomics has been under the microscope ever since Prime Minister Narendra Modi demonetised 86% of India’s currency in circulation since November 8, 2016. Modinomics focuses on 3Ds – democracy, demand and demographic dividend. While most of the world has been focused on the first two, it is the third D, demographic dividend, which holds the key to India’s future.

India is currently in a sweet spot, with its working-age population expected to grow by a third over the next three decades, at a time when China and Russia will see a fall of over 20% in the same period. India is also experiencing a youth bulge, with 41% of its population below 20 years old, according to the 2011 census. India is expected to be the youngest country in the world by 2020. However, the window of opportunity for India’s demographic dividend is closing quickly.

The Economic Survey of India 2016-17 estimates that India’s demographic dividend will peak in the early 2020s. The average annual demographic dividend — the additional growth due to demographic factors alone — of the current decade is 2.6%, higher than an average of 1.7% over the next three decades. That being said, a large and young working-age population can translate into a demographic dividend only if it is productively employed.

So, how successful has India been in reaping this dividend? Not very, according to the latest Employment and Unemployment Survey released by GoI’s Labour Bureau. India needs to create 10-12 million new jobs every year to satisfy the needs of its young working age population. According to the survey, job growth between 2012 and early 2016 was a measly 5 million.

The combination of a youth bulge and unemployment is dangerous and has serious implications for India and the world. In a speech at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, journalist Fareed Zakaria said, “If you want to look at any society and see if it is in danger of trouble and instability, just look at how many young men there are.” He also pointed out that both the French and Iranian revolutions were preceded by a youth bulge.

Apart from domestic unrest, this situation also increases another risk – terrorist organisations getting a foothold in India. Till today, despite persistent efforts by terrorist organisations like al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS), India has not seen large-scale radicalisation of any of its communities.

In a report for the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, ‘Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent: A New Frontline in the Global Jihadist Movement?’ (goo.gl/s4Zqbi), Alastair Reed analyses the failure of Al-Qaeda in India and says that its chances of success in the future “seem distant”. But large-scale youth unemployment, which is known to precede social turbulence leading up to ‘revolutions’, can be a significant threat to India’s economic, social and political stability.

Destabilisation of India, the world’s largest and fastest growing democracy, will have adverse economic and political consequences for Asia and the West. The race for leadership in Asia is heating up. China is looking to shut out American influence in Asia and establish its supremacy using the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). India is the only country that seems to be able enough to counter the growing dominance of the China-Pakistan axis and keep the US relevant in Asian affairs.

Unfortunately, the surge of protectionism across the western world is making India’s underemployment/unemployment problem worse. A case in point is the tightening of H-1B visas under US President Donald Trump’s ‘Buy American, Hire American’ policy. This is expected to put pressure on the viability of India’s IT industry and lead to the largest retrenchment drive ever.

This issue will get high priority when Modi and Trump meet this coming Monday in Washington. Modi’s initial vision, as he revealed in his 2014 Madison Square Garden speech in New York, was to transform India into a supplier of skilled workforce to the world. However, as rising protectionism shrinks global employment opportunities, Modi will have to rely on domestic reforms to handle the approaching crisis.

Of course, unemployment has been a persistent and unsolved issue throughout India’s history. The Modi government deserves credit for pre-empting this trend and launching visionary schemes like Make in India and Startup India. But India’s rise in the global order relies heavily on the ability of Modinomics to realign itself and focus on fundamental reforms to actually create jobs on the ground.

At the same time, Trump has an important decision to make: maintain influence over Asia through a stable and prosperous India. Or create a few thousand technology jobs at home. He has made it abundantly clear that he doesn’t care about the Paris Climate Change Accord. China must be hoping that he feels the same way about New Delhi.

The writer is assistant professor, IIM Trichy


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