The truth, however, is that while India became a nation in the modern sense only in 1947, it had a millennia old civilisational unity that both preceded British rule and transcended it. Multiple examples can be given to show that people who have evolved in the same civilisational crucible for thousands of years acquire a distinctive sense of ‘nationhood’.
For instance, over 20 different languages with their own scripts and hundreds of dialects resound in a seemingly maddening Tower of Babel, but Sanskrit is the basis of almost all of them. Similarly, hundreds of festivals are celebrated all across the land, but the same mythologies or beliefs or harvest rituals animate them. More examples abound. One must never be so mesmerised by the surface multiplicity as to ignore or dismiss the underlying unity.
The sentiment of Indian nationalism is, therefore, not only a political construct somehow conjured into being after 1947. And, precisely for this reason it can be used to evoke very strong emotions.
In part this is a good thing. Nations need a sense of patriotism, which is a natural corollary to nationalism. But powerful instruments are also liable to powerful misuse. And, to my mind, there are three principal areas where this misuse has become conspicuous today.
Firstly, nationalism cannot become a reason to stifle dissent and debate that is the hallmark of a vibrant democracy. To conflate any critique of the government or the state with anti-nationalism is to devalue nationalism itself to the level of lumpen evangelism. The conflict between democracy and nationalism should never arise in a mature republic.
The Constitution, in Article 19, guarantees freedom of speech and expression. It circumscribes this fundamental freedom by reasonable restrictions, but the key word is ‘reasonable’. This reasonable-ness cannot be hijacked by what the BJP-RSS considers to be anti-national by its standard of political jingoism.
The reflex invocation of the outdated law of sedition in spite of the Supreme Court’s clear pronouncement that it has application only if a person ‘incites people to violence against the government established by law, or with the intention of creating public disorder’ is now plain ludicrous. If Kannada actor Divya Spandana, aka Ramya, can be accused of sedition for saying that Pakistan is not hell, then Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who must have made a record of sorts for the number of times he has embraced Nawaz Sharif, should have been placed in the dock long ago.
Secondly, nationalism cannot become a reason to cynically deflect attention from matters of concern to citizens. To run with the tricolour away from legitimate issues relating to failures in governance, in the hope that this act of ultra-nationalism will silence critics, is an expedient attempt to overarch ineptitude, inequity and mal-governance.
You cannot push Dalit protests aside by saying ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’. Nor can you cover up the fact that farmers are in deep distress by shouting ‘Vande Mataram’. If your handling of students and universities is ham-handed, you cannot take the law in your own hands to beat up protesters in the name of the ‘motherland’. It is ironical, indeed, that this new ritualism around the tricolour is being pushed by BJP which draws its inspiration from RSS, which did not believe in the tiranga and preferred the bhagua dhwaj instead.
Thirdly, the invocation of ultra-nationalism cannot become an excuse to justify the deliberate targeting of minorities. India’s legitimate sense of ‘nationhood’ is imbedded in a multi-cultural, multi-religious plurality. This vibrant plurality is the glue that holds our country together. All the people of India are participants in this shared sense of nationhood, and any attempt by one group to claim a monopoly on nationalism by doubting the nationalistic bona fides of the ‘other’ is to deliberately equate nationalism with a deeply corrosive majoritarianism.
In a speech on August 23 this week to the BJP’s core group PM Modi is reported to have said that winning elections was for the BJP ‘an exercise for strengthening the cause of nationalism’. According to him, the recent Tiranga Yatras were meant to ‘unite India against forces that were trying to disturb the social fabric’.
Inadvertently, perhaps, the PM has let the cat out of the bag. We can expect an artificially drummed up hyper nationalism to be an intrinsic part of BJP’s strategy for winning elections. It will be used as an electoral bulwark to counter all criticisms about breach of promise or delivery. Those who have the temerity to make this critique could well be called anti-national. Even worse, those who do not mend their ways could well be booked for sedition. The BJP-RSS combine will hand out certificates to others for their nationalistic credentials.
The nation will need to keep a close watch on the consequences generated by this pseudo-nationalism, for it is of vital importance to the future of India as a democracy.
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